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When this king succeeded his brother to the throne Initially, some people hoped that the new king would rule the people in peace. But the situation did not turn out as expected. The king retains power above the old laws. He appointed relatives and ignorant people with no knowledge to important positions. He did not listen to the people's voices. Allow government officials to use their authority in a dishonest way. Bribes were accepted in construction and in the purchase of government supplies. Find profit in changing money Wastes the country's money Elevate the royal family and give them more privileges than the people. Oppress and oppress the people Rule without discipline Let the country go according to fate. This can be seen from the decline in the economy and the difficulty in making a living which the people are generally aware of. The government of a king above the law cannot be restored.

This cannot be fixed because the king's government does not rule the country for the people as other governments have done. The king's government has treated the people as slaves. (Which are called commoners, some people) are brute animals. I didn't think I was human. Therefore, instead of helping the people Instead, they started farming on the backs of the people. It can be seen that the taxes that were extorted from the people The king had set aside several million a year, but the people could hardly find even a small amount. My eyes are almost bleeding. Doomed to lose government money or any taxes. If there is no money, the government will confiscate property or use public works. But you all slept happily together. No country in the world will give you this much money. Besides the Tsar and the German Kaiser which the nation had overthrown the throne

The king's government ruled deceitfully and was dishonest to the people. For example, they pretended to maintain their livelihood in this and that way, but when they waited and waited, it turned out to be too bad, and they couldn't really do it. Moreover, he insulted the people who paid taxes so that they could eat. that the people still cannot have a political voice Because the people are stupid The government's words like this cannot be used. If the people are stupid, then you are stupid because you are from the same nation. The reason that the people do not know about you is because of the lack of education that you have kept them from learning fully. Because they fear that when the people have an education will know the evil that you have done And probably won't allow you to farm on people's backs anymore.

All the people should know that This country belongs to the people. It was not the king's, as he had deceived. The ancestors of the people helped to save the country from the hands of the enemy. You guys are only lavishing your hands and amassing hundreds of millions in wealth. Where does this money come from? It was taken from the people because of the way they farmed on their backs. The country is destitute. Farmers and military parents had to abandon their fields. Because farming doesn't work. The government does not maintain The government fired workers in large numbers. Students who have completed their studies and soldiers who have been released from the reserves are unemployed. Will have to starve haphazardly These are the results of a king above the law. Oppressing junior civil servants, sergeants, and clerks. When they leave their jobs, they do not give them pensions. In fact, the money collected by the sweepers should be used to provide for the maintenance of the country so that people have jobs. Therefore it is appropriate to satisfy the people who have been paying taxes to make them rich for a long time. But you could not do anything. They'll keep pumping blood. Whatever money is left, take it and deposit it abroad. Prepare to flee when the country deteriorates. Let the people survive These things are evil.

Therefore, the people, civil servants, soldiers, and civilians who are aware of the evil actions of the said government Therefore gathered forces to form the People's Party. and had seized the power of the king The People's Party saw that the solution to this evil was to organize government with a council. We will help each other discuss many things. One idea is better than one idea. As for the head of the country The People's Party did not want to usurp the throne, so they invited this king to continue as king. But it must be under the law and constitution of the land. Can't do anything alone. In addition to the approval of the House of Representatives The People's Party has informed the King of this wish. At this time it is still being answered. If the king refuses or fails to answer within the specified time, for his own sake that he will be demoted, he will be known as a traitor to the nation. And it is necessary for the country to have a democratic form of government, that is, the head of the country will be an ordinary person elected by the House of Representatives. Stay in position according to schedule According to this method, the people should hope that the people will receive the best care possible and that everyone will have work because our country is already a country that is rich according to its condition. When we have seized the money that you gathered from farming hundreds of millions of people to support the country. The country must definitely flourish. The governance that the People's Party should do is It is necessary to plan a project based on academic principles. Don't act like a blind person. Such as the government with a king above the law has done. It's a big principle. What the People's Party has put in place is that

1. Must preserve all independence. Such as the independence in politics, in the courts, in the economy, etc. of the country to be firmly established.

2. Must maintain security within the country. Let the violence against each other be greatly reduced.

3. Must maintain the complete happiness of the people economically. The new government will provide work for all citizens. will set up a national economic project Don't let the people go hungry.

4. Must allow the people to have equal rights. (Not that you people have more rights than the people as they do at this time.)

5. Must allow the people to have freedom. independent When this freedom does not conflict with the 4 principles mentioned above.

6. Must provide full education to the people.

All the people, be united in helping the People's Party to complete its mission that will last forever. The People's Party asks that all those who did not cooperate in seizing power from the government of the monarchy above the law should remain calm and look forward to making a living. Do not do anything that would be an obstacle to the People's Party. The people helping the People's Party